विवाह के लिये दी जाने वाली जानकारियों में Never Married का मतलब अधिकतर हकीकत मे non vergin है, जिसे करीब 3000 सालों से छुपाया जाता आ रहा था
status of virginity, विवाह फ़िक्स करने से पैहले पुरुष पक्ष द्वारा लडकी व महिला पक्ष के लोगों की जांच कराना अपनी फ़ैमिली मैम्बर्स का मर्डर व सुसाइड करने से रोकना है
ये जबाब है धरती पर मौजूद पुरुष पक्ष द्वारा उस बायोडाटा की एवज में जिसमे महिलाये बिना काम यानी कामचोरी, निकम्मी व आपराधिक जीवन शैली जीती आ रही है ये बायोडाटा जो महिला पक्ष द्वारा पुरुष पक्ष से लिया जाता आ रहा है जिसमे लिखी जानकारियों के आधार पर पुरुष पक्ष को ,जलालत, जखम, लन्गसफ़ेलिअर, दैहैशत, गुलामी, एसेट्स व सन्ताने लूट, परिवारिक फ़ूट, रेप, वैष्याव्रित्ती, स्लोपोइज़न, विकलान्घता, डिसोर्डर्स यानी पागलपन, जेल, यातना व अपनों की हत्यायें सैहैनी पडती आ रही हैं जो कि करीब 114 हत्यायें हर मिनट जारी हैं या अपने व अपनों के विवाह व पारिवारिक अधिकारों को लुट्वाना पडता आ रहा है अपने खानदान का विनाश करवाना पडता आ रहा है, या गुलामी करते हुये सिन्गल व कुवारा रैहैना पडता आ रहा है, वैवाहिक अधिकार लुट्वाने पडते आ रहे हैं धरती पर जहां जहां कोन्ग्रेस शब्द व कोन्ग्रेस लोगों का वास है वहां वहां पुरुष पक्ष की ये दुर्दशा व विनाश जारी है चाहे वह ट्रम्प, पुतीन, केम्रोन या राहुल मोदी जी ही लेबल के क्यों ना हों जो पुरुष वन्स व नस्ल को समाप्त करता जा रहा है जो कि पुरुषों के वन्स विकास का अधिकार है जो दुनियां देश व परिवार की व्यवस्था को तोड विकास को रोक व विनाश को जारी रखे हुये है
virginity = यौनावस्था अर्थात यौवन की अवस्था
virgin = कुंवारी, जिसने संभोग नहीं किया, who did not intercourse
non vergin = गैर कुँवारी, जो इक्षा अनिक्षा संभोग कर चुकी है, Who have sexed with our intrest or not intrest,
नोट : एक्सर्साइज़ दौड व गेम महिलाओं में नोन्वर्जिन कन्डीसन पैदा नही करते केबल घरेलू वैकल्पिक वस्तुओं सेक्सीटोयेज़ व अवैध सम्भोग द्वारा ही नोन्वर्जिन कन्डीसन पैदा होती है जो बार बार गर्भ गिरने का मुख्य कारण भी होती है
पुरुष पक्ष को भ्रमित करने धोखा देने के लिये इस कोड वाक्य an independent, unmarried young woman, को कानूनी मान्यता दे कर इसका इस्तेमाल भी किया जाता आ रहा है
ऐसे ही नीचे लिखा वाक्य व इसका गूगल व एमएस द्वारा किया गया ट्रान्स्लेसन जैसा गाल वैसा थप्पड यानी कानूनी व गैर कानूनी दौनौ तरह से अपनी जीत वाले वाक्य हैं जिनका कोई फ़िक्स मतलब नही है इसी कारण इस मामले से सम्बन्धित फ़ैसले बदलते आ रहे है व पुरुष व कर्मी वर्ग कर कर के कतल होता आ रहा है व अधिकतर महिला वर्ग एन्जोय करता आ रहा है
अधिकतर इस वाक्य में कोग्रेस शब्द का मतलब मैथून, सम्भोग करना समझ में आ रहा है जो कि हमारी एक महान व बडी खोज है जो देश काल परिस्थिती के आधार पर फ़िट बैठता आ रहा है महिलाओं का घर की सुरक्षा से बाहर रैहैना छुपना छुपाना इन्हीं बातों का सबूत है
sexual relation intercourse carnal knowledge copulation sex act coition coitus relation congress ranslations of sexual intercourse,
गूगल; यौन संबंध संभोग करना कैरल नॉलेज मैथुन मैथुन क्रिया सहवास सहवास संबंध संभोग के संबंध तोड़ना,
एमएस; यौन संबंध संभोग कामुक ज्ञान सहवास सेक्स अधिनियम coition सहवास संबंध कांग्रेस के संभोग के रैंसलेशन
इन्हीं गलत हरकतों को छुपाने के लिये प्राइवेट पर्स्नल निजी वुमेन एग्रीमेन्ट आदि कानूनों का महिला व उनके तैहैत बालक व लोग निर्दयता से इस्तेमाल कर 114 हत्या हर मिनट जारी रखे हुये हैं जो सन्घार है
इन खुलासों का एनालाइजिन्ग के लिये इस्तेमाल की गयी गूगल व एमएस की सामग्री साथ लगी है
कुछ गलत महिलाओं द्वारा हमें धमकाने व जलील करने पर ये खुलासा किया जा रहा है,
अपना काम करने वाले महिला वर्ग पर ये बातें करीब 90 प्रतिशत तक लागू नही होती जिसमे महिलायें व बालक भी हैं
जो हाउस वाइफ़ कुछ नही करती 90 प्रतिशत तक उन पर ही ये बातें लागू होती हैं
वे विश्व देश परिवार के विनाश की दोषी है
इन्ही कारणों से हमारी पारिवारिक, सरकारी, विश्व व्यवस्थायी, महिलाओं ने हमे यातनाये देना व हत्या के प्रयास करना जारी रखा है
पर हम अपनी जगह ठीक करते आ रहे हैं क्यों कि ये 84 लाख प्रजातियों की कुल आबादी की व्यवस्था का मामला है ना कि सिर्फ़ करीब 4 अरब गलत मादाओं का
ये जानना व मानना आप के अधिकारों का एक मुख्य अन्स है
status of virginity, विवाह फ़िक्स करने से पैहले पुरुष पक्ष द्वारा लडकी व महिला पक्ष के लोगों की जांच कराना अपनी फ़ैमिली मैम्बर्स का मर्डर व सुसाइड करने से रोकना है
ये जबाब है धरती पर मौजूद पुरुष पक्ष द्वारा उस बायोडाटा की एवज में जिसमे महिलाये बिना काम यानी कामचोरी, निकम्मी व आपराधिक जीवन शैली जीती आ रही है ये बायोडाटा जो महिला पक्ष द्वारा पुरुष पक्ष से लिया जाता आ रहा है जिसमे लिखी जानकारियों के आधार पर पुरुष पक्ष को ,जलालत, जखम, लन्गसफ़ेलिअर, दैहैशत, गुलामी, एसेट्स व सन्ताने लूट, परिवारिक फ़ूट, रेप, वैष्याव्रित्ती, स्लोपोइज़न, विकलान्घता, डिसोर्डर्स यानी पागलपन, जेल, यातना व अपनों की हत्यायें सैहैनी पडती आ रही हैं जो कि करीब 114 हत्यायें हर मिनट जारी हैं या अपने व अपनों के विवाह व पारिवारिक अधिकारों को लुट्वाना पडता आ रहा है अपने खानदान का विनाश करवाना पडता आ रहा है, या गुलामी करते हुये सिन्गल व कुवारा रैहैना पडता आ रहा है, वैवाहिक अधिकार लुट्वाने पडते आ रहे हैं धरती पर जहां जहां कोन्ग्रेस शब्द व कोन्ग्रेस लोगों का वास है वहां वहां पुरुष पक्ष की ये दुर्दशा व विनाश जारी है चाहे वह ट्रम्प, पुतीन, केम्रोन या राहुल मोदी जी ही लेबल के क्यों ना हों जो पुरुष वन्स व नस्ल को समाप्त करता जा रहा है जो कि पुरुषों के वन्स विकास का अधिकार है जो दुनियां देश व परिवार की व्यवस्था को तोड विकास को रोक व विनाश को जारी रखे हुये है
virginity = यौनावस्था अर्थात यौवन की अवस्था
virgin = कुंवारी, जिसने संभोग नहीं किया, who did not intercourse
non vergin = गैर कुँवारी, जो इक्षा अनिक्षा संभोग कर चुकी है, Who have sexed with our intrest or not intrest,
नोट : एक्सर्साइज़ दौड व गेम महिलाओं में नोन्वर्जिन कन्डीसन पैदा नही करते केबल घरेलू वैकल्पिक वस्तुओं सेक्सीटोयेज़ व अवैध सम्भोग द्वारा ही नोन्वर्जिन कन्डीसन पैदा होती है जो बार बार गर्भ गिरने का मुख्य कारण भी होती है
पुरुष पक्ष को भ्रमित करने धोखा देने के लिये इस कोड वाक्य an independent, unmarried young woman, को कानूनी मान्यता दे कर इसका इस्तेमाल भी किया जाता आ रहा है
ऐसे ही नीचे लिखा वाक्य व इसका गूगल व एमएस द्वारा किया गया ट्रान्स्लेसन जैसा गाल वैसा थप्पड यानी कानूनी व गैर कानूनी दौनौ तरह से अपनी जीत वाले वाक्य हैं जिनका कोई फ़िक्स मतलब नही है इसी कारण इस मामले से सम्बन्धित फ़ैसले बदलते आ रहे है व पुरुष व कर्मी वर्ग कर कर के कतल होता आ रहा है व अधिकतर महिला वर्ग एन्जोय करता आ रहा है
अधिकतर इस वाक्य में कोग्रेस शब्द का मतलब मैथून, सम्भोग करना समझ में आ रहा है जो कि हमारी एक महान व बडी खोज है जो देश काल परिस्थिती के आधार पर फ़िट बैठता आ रहा है महिलाओं का घर की सुरक्षा से बाहर रैहैना छुपना छुपाना इन्हीं बातों का सबूत है
sexual relation intercourse carnal knowledge copulation sex act coition coitus relation congress ranslations of sexual intercourse,
गूगल; यौन संबंध संभोग करना कैरल नॉलेज मैथुन मैथुन क्रिया सहवास सहवास संबंध संभोग के संबंध तोड़ना,
एमएस; यौन संबंध संभोग कामुक ज्ञान सहवास सेक्स अधिनियम coition सहवास संबंध कांग्रेस के संभोग के रैंसलेशन
इन्हीं गलत हरकतों को छुपाने के लिये प्राइवेट पर्स्नल निजी वुमेन एग्रीमेन्ट आदि कानूनों का महिला व उनके तैहैत बालक व लोग निर्दयता से इस्तेमाल कर 114 हत्या हर मिनट जारी रखे हुये हैं जो सन्घार है
इन खुलासों का एनालाइजिन्ग के लिये इस्तेमाल की गयी गूगल व एमएस की सामग्री साथ लगी है
कुछ गलत महिलाओं द्वारा हमें धमकाने व जलील करने पर ये खुलासा किया जा रहा है,
अपना काम करने वाले महिला वर्ग पर ये बातें करीब 90 प्रतिशत तक लागू नही होती जिसमे महिलायें व बालक भी हैं
जो हाउस वाइफ़ कुछ नही करती 90 प्रतिशत तक उन पर ही ये बातें लागू होती हैं
वे विश्व देश परिवार के विनाश की दोषी है
इन्ही कारणों से हमारी पारिवारिक, सरकारी, विश्व व्यवस्थायी, महिलाओं ने हमे यातनाये देना व हत्या के प्रयास करना जारी रखा है
पर हम अपनी जगह ठीक करते आ रहे हैं क्यों कि ये 84 लाख प्रजातियों की कुल आबादी की व्यवस्था का मामला है ना कि सिर्फ़ करीब 4 अरब गलत मादाओं का
ये जानना व मानना आप के अधिकारों का एक मुख्य अन्स है
virginity Translations of कौमार्य
virginity यौवनावस्था
कौमार्य, किशोरता, यौवनावस्था
किशोरावस्था, कौमार्य, तारुण्य, तरुणाई, उठती जवानी
किशोरावस्था, कौमार्य, किशोरता, प्रौढ़ता की शुरुआत, यौवनावस्था
maiden head
कुमारीपन, क्वाँरपन, कौमार्य
maiden hood
कुमारीपन, क्वाँरपन, कौमार्य
never Married virgin
never Married nonvirgin
Married virgin
Married breeded
Married breeded
Married unbreeded
unmarried breeded
unmarried unbreeded
Married breeded
Married unbreeded
unmared breeded
unmared unbreeded
a young unmarried woman अविवाहित औरत.
So I figured there would be lots of attractive इसलिए मुझे लगा कि बहुत सारे आकर्षक होंगे, hopefully eligible bachelors and bachelorettes around my age.उम्मीद है कि मेरी उम्र के आसपास योग्य स्नातक और स्नातक graduate हैं
a small bachelor apartment एक छोटा स्नातक अपार्टमेंट.
a bachelorette in a high-rise
Translations of rise
increase, rise, growth, enhancement, enlargement, augmentation
rise, rising, ascent
height, altitude, elevation, rise, rising, pitch
advancement, progress, development, advance, improvement, rise
upswing, rise, upsurge, upturn, ascent, rising
development, growth, evolution, rise, rising, flourish
rise, aggrandizement, prosperity advent
plethora, plurality, overabundance, opulence, exuberance, rise
nascency, rise, elevation, rising, ascent, height
get up, rise, arise, heave, stand up, grow
jut, come out, emerge, rise, supervene, egress
germinate, vegetate, grow, rise, sprout, pullulate
ascend, climb, climb up, entrain, mount, rise
सीधा होना
unbend, rise
विप्लव करना
rebel, revolt, riot, rise
swell, effloresce, break out into blossom, rise, flare
सीधा खड़ा होना
जीवित होना
live, exist, rise
बलवा करना
revolt, rise, riot, run riot, mutiny
incur, bear, raising, arouse, Conveyance, rise
8 more translations
Definitions of rise
an upward movement; an instance of becoming higher.
the bird has a display flight of steep flapping rises
an increase in amount, extent, size, or number.
local people are worried by the rise in crime
increase hike leap upsurge upswing climb escalation improvement amelioration upturn leap
a source; an origin.
it was here that the brook had its rise
move from a lower position to a higher one; come or go up.
the tiny aircraft rose from the ground
get up from lying, sitting, or kneeling.
she pushed back her chair and rose
stand up get to one's feet get up jump up leap up arise
(of land or a feature following the contours of the land) incline upward; become higher.
the moorlands rise and fall in gentle folds
slope upward go uphill incline climb
increase in number, size, amount, or quality.
land prices had risen
go up increase soar shoot up surge leap jump rocket escalate spiral improve get better advance go up soar shoot up
approaching (a specified age).
she was thirty-nine rising forty
5 more definitions
Examples of rise
She crested the rise and stood before the two men, flushed with the effort.
When they reached the crest of the rise , Karl gasped.
the people will rise again
Of course, alcohol was not in short supply and I suppose that may also have contributed to my inability to rise on Sunday morning.
Over the course of the millennium, the sea level could rise by 20 feet.
Others are not so happy about the rise in price this year, given that this sort of extremely young wine should really be dirt cheap.
leave the dough in a warm place to rise
If he keeps being cast as such one-dimensional, charisma-free characters, his fall may be as quick as his meteoric rise .
The triangular four-story building will rise on the site of a former strip club, another step in a major downtown renewal initiative.
My voice began to rise in pitch from apprehension.
He shook a tear from his eye as a wind began to rise and dust began to blow at a dangerous rate.
You want tales from the Old South about slavery and empowerment, the rise of the civil-rights movement and the promise of integration?
As with all open-top cars, levels of physical discomfort - such as noise and wind buffeting - rise in relation to speed.
Waterford recorded the sharpest rise
His rapid rise , it seemed, was continuing apace.
She didn't see the mist starting to rise from the ground.
Organic growth accounted for 29 per cent of the rise in sales.
it made the hairs rise on the back of my neck
And yet, we have a whole bunch of people, serious, accomplished scientists, telling us that the seas will rise in some places while deserts will be created in others.
The rapid rise of the republic challenges every new generation of historians to formulate new explanations.
That afternoon the land began to rise again, and the Cæsar's Road began to show more ruts.
the moorlands rise and fall in gentle folds
Your hands continue to rise , now tracing my hairline.
The decline of European Turkey was as steep as its rise .
The meteoric rise of Jack Vettriano is nothing short of phenomenal.
As he was about to succeed, he heard a familiar voice rise above the crowd.
the rise in temperature was very welcome
You can rise up and destroy the ones who took away what you love.
the rise of the balloon
But if costs continue to rise at this pace, he says he'll have to cut staff.
29 more examples
Synonyms of rise
increase improvement progress slope raise advance ascending rising lift salary increase hike upgrade emanation
increase hike leap upsurge upswing climb escalation
improvement amelioration upturn leap
progress climb promotion elevation aggrandizement
slope incline hillock hill eminence
raise climb upgrade ascent acclivity
ascending ascension ascent
rising ascension ascent
salary increase raise hike wage increase
hike boost
emanation procession
move up/upward(s) loom go up improve get higher stand up get up adjourn make progress react to come back to life swell rebel originate in brighten slope upward rise up come up arise lift climb develop ascend heighten prove climb up resurrect
move up/upward(s) come up make one's/its way up arise ascend climb mount soar
loom tower soar rise up rear (up)
go up increase soar shoot up surge leap jump rocket escalate spiral
improve get better advance go up soar shoot up
get higher grow increase become louder swell intensify
stand up get to one's feet get up jump up leap up arise
get up get out of bed rouse oneself stir bestir oneself be up and about rise and shine surface arise
adjourn recess be suspended pause take a break knock off take five
make progress climb advance get on work one's way be promoted
react to respond to take
come back to life be resurrected revive
swell expand enlarge puff up
rebel revolt mutiny riot take up arms
originate in begin in start in emerge in/from issue from spring from flow from emanate from
brighten lift cheer up improve pick up buck up
slope upward go uphill incline climb
rise up come up surface
come up ascend uprise
arise go up come up lift move up uprise
arise stand up get up uprise
lift rear
arise get up turn out uprise
arise rise up rebel
climb go up
develop grow arise originate uprise spring up
ascend move up
climb wax mount
climb up jump
resurrect uprise complex एक उच्च स्तरीय परिसर में एक स्नातक
Synonyms of bacheloretteस्नातक के पर्यायवाची
bachelor girl स्नातक लड़की
mademoiselle कुमारी, लड़की, कन्या, कुंवारी
Definitions of bachelor girl
an independent, unmarried young woman.
The bachelor girl plans to celebrate her win by watching England's footballers play Turkey - she predicts a 3-1 win for England - but said she was going to be sensible with her winnings.
Examples of bachelor girl
The bachelor girl plans to celebrate her win by watching England's footballers play Turkey - she predicts a 3-1 win for England - but said she was going to be sensible with her winnings.
Housewives, bachelor girls , in fact anybody who has a bed to make each day, can cut the time and effort they spend on the chore by using fitted sheets.
Synonyms of bachelor girl
baTranslations of bachelor girl
mademoiselle, kumari, maiden, miss, maid, missy
maid, Bachelor girl chelorette
graduate स्नातक
Translations of प्रजनन
प्रजनन, प्रतिकृति, पुनस्र्त्पादक
प्रजनन, पालन, नस्ल, जाति, उगाना
bringing forth
घाव का अपने आप भरना, प्रजनन
प्रजनन, प्रसव, संतान
प्रजनन, संतानोत्पत्ति, (कोषों आदि को) उत्पन्न करना, शीघ्रता से बढ़ना (भी)
प्रजनन कर लिया breeded
Reproduced Reproduced
Translations of reproduce
प्रतिलिपि प्रस्तुत करना
संतान के रूप में जन्म देना
Definitions of reproduce
produce again.
a concert performance cannot reproduce all the subtleties of a recording
Synonyms of reproduce
copy repeat breed multiply regurgitate
copy duplicate replicate photocopy xerox print
repeat replicate recreate redo simulate imitate emulate mirror mimic
breed produce offspring procreate propagate multiply
multiply procreate
Fewer synonyms
See also
First breeding
Translations of breed
breed, phylum, species
breed, give birth, teem, yean, Issue
अभिजनन करना
kind, breed, Description
khandaan, pedigree, breed
नस्ल बढाना
teach, train, educate, coach, edify, breed
प्रजनन करना
वंश का विस्तार होना
breed, spawn
पालन-पोषण करना
breed, rear, rear up, bring up, nurse
Definitions of breed
cause (an animal) to produce offspring, typically in a controlled and organized way.
he wants to see the animals his new stock has been bred from
a stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed by deliberate selection.
This text would be very applicable for an introductory course in animal breeds , selection, evaluation and judging.
variety stock strain type kind sort
Examples of breed
We talked about the breed species and of its culture.
Now that does seem like a lot, but these birds breed at an incredibly slow rate, with an incredibly low rate of juvenile success.
It takes a certain kind of breed of person to jump on the back of a bull.
The wine of interest to this new breed of wine merchant typically sits in an unbroken case in Britain.
In the spring, she had plans to breed him with Snow.
It was said that entrepreneurs were a special breed , more driven to succeed than the rest of us.
Most farmers breed pigs, sheep, and dairy cattle, from which they obtain meat, wool, milk, cheese, and butter.
Silicon Valley-style entrepreneurs are still a rare breed in both countries.
Regardless of what breed you choose, or where it comes from, ALL dogs need training.
In this increasingly technological world, we must breed scientists, not just engineers; thinkers, not just doers.
They breed their grannies tough out there in Lithuania, make no mistake.
Make no mistake; modern CEOs are generally an outstanding breed .
It's also nice to see a variety show again and any star that can bring that breed of show back to life can't be all bad.
The origin of the Maltese as a distinct breed has never been precisely determined.
Andre says her next steps are to try to breed the species and eventually release some back into the wild.
Meanwhile a new breed of artists was advancing another brand of banality, with divisive effects on the art world.
toads are said to return to the pond of their birth to breed
One of your skills as a coach is to breed these personalities, not as individuals, but how they interact in a group.
This should also be true of cattle within the same breed .
Researchers planned to breed the chickens and study their offspring.
One does not need Stonehenge to know when to plant seeds or when to breed cattle.
a new breed of entrepreneurs was brought into being
I am currently dating one of the dominant species of my breed .
One should also remember that cattle breed once per year, or sometimes not at all.
Lots of industry people there for that strange breed of person who enjoy that sort of thing.
There's a whole new breed of this kind of activity and it's on the Internet.
One of the new breed of sneaker brands is straight outta Orange County.
Once you decide which breed you want, you will need to consider the age of the dog.
Larvae breed in woodland pools filled by melting snows or by spring rains.
Did you know men cows will never breed with the same cow twice.
29 more examples
Synonyms of breed
reproduce bring up cause engender cover multiply
reproduce produce/bear/generate offspring procreate multiply propagate mate
bring up rear raise nurture
cause bring about give rise to lead to produce generate foster result in stir up beget
engender spawn
variety type stock
variety stock strain type kind sort
type kind sort variety class brand genre generation
stock strain
Translations of variety
variety, Diversity, diversify, variation, diversifiction, miscellaneousness
variety, course, Description, Exemplar, Genre, make
multiformity, multeity, manifold, variety, diversity, diversification
manner, kind, fallacy, sort, mode, variety
Definitions of variety
the quality or state of being different or diverse; the absence of uniformity, sameness, or monotony.
it's the variety that makes my job so enjoyable
diversity variation diversification heterogeneity multifariousness change choice difference
a taxonomic category that ranks below subspecies (where present) or species, its members differing from others of the same subspecies or species in minor but permanent or heritable characteristics. Varieties are more often recognized in botany, in which they are designated in the style Apium graveolens variety dulce.
Viola is represented by 25 species, two additional subspecies, and five varieties .
Examples of variety
I like variety
A regular festival-goer, he still rates Glastonbury as the best UK festival for both variety and quality of food.
She took him to variety theatre and they saw every Crazy Gang show there was.
She was, therefore, forced to accept anything offered, tours, pantomimes, weeks with repertory companies and variety tours.
The Northern Mockingbird is known and loved for the quality and variety of its song.
He appeared on stage in many variety concerts and was a wonderful MC.
it's the variety that makes my job so enjoyable
in 1937 she did another season of variety
Simon Gross has worked extensively in theatre, television, cabaret and variety .
The diet has improved in quality and variety , with modern supermarkets offering imported foods.
During the 1950s, I danced regularly on television variety shows.
The craving for variety rather than for quality is one of the chief causes of England's being Europe's gastronomic sump.
A smaller pool of people can mean less diversity, less variety and less dynamism.
In Spain, there is now a robust supply of both Moroccan hashish and homegrown marijuana of increasing variety and quality.
‘Mmm,’ I said, munching away at a small slice of the rhubarb pie I'd been obliged to buy in the absence of the apple variety .
Music hall and variety were replaced in the public fancy by cinema after 1918.
Concentration of media power in too few hands not only can lead to higher prices for consumers but can hurt variety and quality of programming.
Archie performs his moth-eaten variety act before dwindling audiences in dog-eared music hall theatres.
With a London debut in 1891, he quickly established a successful career in music-hall, variety , pantomime, revue, operetta, and musical comedy.
A standard radio studio of that era could be a very intimidating place, and a theatre would create a much better atmosphere for radio comedy, variety shows or quizzes.
people go to night classes for a variety of reasons
Digital radio promised lower costs, higher quality and more variety .
But fashions changed and variety entertainment dwindled in popularity.
This added yet more variety and nutritional diversity to the diet.
Concert parties at the time improvised with available talent and material to provide variety revues involving light-hearted music and comedy.
The apples must be of a variety approved by the appellation, freshly picked (which means no concentrates) and actually grown in the Pays d' Auge region.
Also on offer are variety entertainment, solo singing and dance.
With improved packaging came improved quality and variety of meals.
variety show
Unlike me, some people really do prefer uniformity to variety , regardless of cost.
Fewer examples
Synonyms of variety
diversity assortment sort change mixture form variety show
diversity variation diversification heterogeneity multifariousness change choice difference
assortment miscellany range array collection selection mixture medley multiplicity mixed bag motley collection potpourri hodgepodge
sort kind type class category style form make model brand strain breed genus
diversity multifariousness diverseness
mixture miscellany potpourri motley miscellanea mixed bag salmagundi assortment smorgasbord
form sort kind
variety showTranslations of variety
variety, Diversity, diversify, variation, diversifiction, miscellaneousness
variety, course, Description, Exemplar, Genre, make
multiformity, multeity, manifold, variety, diversity, diversification
manner, kind, fallacy, sort, mode, variety
संभोग sexual intercourse noun
sexual relation intercourse carnal knowledge copulation sex act coition coitus relation congress ranslations of sexual intercourse
copulation, sexual intercourse, Cohabitation, coitus, concubitus, mating
Cohabitation, sexual intercourse, sexual commerce
(स्त्री-पुरुष का) संभोग
sexual commerce, sexual intercourse
mating, Intercourse, congress, sexual commerce, sexual intercourse, Communion
consistency, association, company, compatibility, harmony, sexual intercourse
collection, seizure, sexual intercourse, kidnap
sexual intercourse, shagDetect language
Translations of sexual intercourse
copulation, sexual intercourse, Cohabitation, coitus, concubitus, mating
Cohabitation, sexual intercourse, sexual commerce
(स्त्री-पुरुष का) संभोग
sexual commerce, sexual intercourse
mating, Intercourse, congress, sexual commerce, sexual intercourse, Communion
consistency, association, company, compatibility, harmony, sexual intercourse
collection, seizure, sexual intercourse, kidnap
sexual intercourse, shag
Definitions of sexual intercourse
sexual contact between individuals involving penetration, especially the insertion of a man's erect penis into a woman's vagina, typically culminating in orgasm and the ejaculation of semen.
There is growing evidence of tolerance of sexual activity other than heterosexual sexual intercourse .
Examples of sexual intercourse
Adultery is voluntary or consensual sexual intercourse between a married person and a person of the opposite sex, not being the other's spouse.
That is what the entire case turns on, is it not, whether or not the act is the act of sexual intercourse or the act of sexual intercourse without consent?
There had been no sexual intercourse between them, just some honest talk, understanding and affection.
Should consent to sexual intercourse be treated as an irrevocable waiver?
He blinded himself after learning that he had unknowingly killed his father and had sexual intercourse with his mother.
The applicant says that their sexual intercourse was consensual.
She was guilty of committing adultery by having sexual intercourse .
Later on, however, she only confessed to having had sexual intercourse , without mentioning rape or force.
He also decried any sex education that talked about homosexuality or even sexual intercourse .
It is alleged by the female complainant that the accused kissed, touched, groped and had sexual intercourse without her consent.
She described the abusive activity as full sexual intercourse as well as digital penetration.
They said nothing whilst they had sexual intercourse .
When the person to whom he spoke asked for clarification as to what he meant, he said that he had been having sexual intercourse with the complainant.
In short, by 1885, quite separately from rape, it was already unlawful to procure sexual intercourse by deception.
Fetishism allows the fetishist to derive sexual pleasure where normative sexual intercourse does not.
It felt as though she was sexually aroused, and they had sexual intercourse .
When Paul and his companions encounter some French women, they exchange food for sexual intercourse .
He got on top of her and they had sexual intercourse .
There is growing evidence of tolerance of sexual activity other than heterosexual sexual intercourse .
Fewer examples
Synonyms of sexual intercourse
sexual relation intercourse carnal knowledge copulation sex act coition coitus relation congress
Translations of congress
conference, convention, gathering, congress, incorporation, diet
Detect language
Translations of congress
conference, convention, gathering, congress, incorporation, diet
Definitions of congress
the national legislative body of a country.
A similar process occurs in most legislative bodies: Every parliament and congress in a functioning democracy has caucuses and coalitions.
a formal meeting or series of meetings for discussion between delegates, especially those from a political party or labor union or from within a particular discipline.
an international congress of mathematicians
conference convention seminar colloquium symposium forum meeting assembly gathering rally summit
a society or organization, especially a political one.
the National Congress of American Indians
the action of coming together.
sexual congress
Examples of congress
But the really amazing part was that Maria had never had sexual congress with a man before, and was thus a virgin.
As might be expected, any suggestion of female sexuality or of sexual congress outside of marriage is treated as immoral and shameful.
The power to decide on a candidate to steer Namibia's boat for the next five years lies in the hands of delegates taking part in next weekend's extraordinary congress of the Swapo Party.
On June 30, Spain's congress voted 187 to 147 to pass the legislation.
Apart from some holiday speeches at their recent congress , the Socialist Party has been unwilling to even raise a finger against his measures.
At a party congress held in Berlin on August 27, Germany's recently founded Left Party adopted its program for the federal election due to take place on September 18.
Finally, she was cheered frenetically at the party congress , where she was elected by a membership that did not want to hear about any more dirty business.
This does not mean that he has, or attempts to have, sexual congress with these women, especially against their will.
At the same time, the party congress was instructive in exposing the political background of the latest round of anti-foreigner and German nationalist agitation.
It would be ideal if all sexual congress took place between consenting couples in love but unfortunately this is unrealistic.
There was formerly a tribe of South Sea islanders who, until discovered by explorers, had never made the connection between sexual congress and pregnancy.
The Union of Airport Workers called the strike after the Bolivian congress stalled on legislation that would modernize air travel.
Although it rarely occurs, senators and members of congress can give speeches in the Peruvian Congress in Quechua.
Violent husbands offer excuses that range from the wife not doing housework, her frequent visits to her parents' home, or refusing the husband's request for sexual congress .
Your situation is not unlike the girl who permits everything but the textbook definition of sexual congress so she can say she's a virgin.
an international congress of mathematicians
an international congress of mathematicians
The GAA's national congress in April will vote on changing its structure, which would allow its smaller central council to make a decision on ending the ban.
While society has thankfully moved on from the ignorant days when homosexuality was a crime, it is still against the law to indulge in any kind of sexual congress in a public place, and quite rightly so.
He was on this game in the final session of the last congress .
Even with sterile people, there is a symbolism in the union of male and female that speaks to the core nature of sexual congress and its ideal instantiation.
Bolivia is a constitutional republic with an elected president and national congress .
He said the party's national congress was the only body that could change the UDM's position.
The panelists, members of a national government advisory congress , intervened and heard the student out, according to one witness and accounts by others posted on the Internet.
The dictionary says that ‘tupping’ describes what rams do to ewes but I first came across it being used in relation to human sexual congress .
Just a few months later, she won a majority of the votes at the party congress in Dresden in the election for CDU deputy chairperson.
Victorian prudery did the rest, followed in quick succession by an unhealthy determination to class sexual congress as obscene and therefore not to be discussed, far less celebrated.
The very notion of an ‘Indonesian’ women's congress foregrounded its nationalist drive.
Her choice to have or not have children is reconsidered with each menstrual cycle and with each sexual congress .
Just as we tired of lugging the water, the men tired of not enjoying sexual congress .
Fewer examples
Synonyms of congress
conference legislature sexual relation
conference convention seminar colloquium symposium forum meeting assembly gathering rally summit
legislature legislative assembly senate house house of representatives parliament convocation diet council chamber
sexual relation intercourse carnal knowledge copulation sex act coition coitus relation sexual intercourse
Translations of virgin
untouched, virgin, unimpaired, unbroken, virginal, intact
clean, accurate, immaculate, clear, ingenious, virgin
intact, virginal, virgin, sound, chaste
natural, instinctive, intrinsic, spontaneous, cavalier, virgin
new, novel, recent, modern, green, virgin
new, modern, vernal, virgin
new, recent, novel, modern, virgin, green
अछूती धरती
virgin soil, virgin
Definitions of virgin
being, relating to, or appropriate for a virgin.
his virgin bride
chaste virginal celibate abstinent maiden maidenly pure uncorrupted undefiled unsullied innocent vestal
not yet touched, used, or exploited.
acres of virgin forests
untouched unspoiled untainted immaculate pristine flawless spotless unsullied unpolluted undefiled perfect unchanged intact unexplored uncharted unmapped uncolonized
a person who has never had sexual intercourse.
A myth in South Africa holds that sexual intercourse with a virgin can heal a man from HIV infection.
chaste woman/man celibate ingénue maiden maid vestal
Examples of virgin
One of his claims is that the fragment of circuit board could not be responsible for the explosion as it was a virgin piece of equipment that had never been used.
We landed five miles off our targeted landing site, with a daring, smooth landing by our pilot who brought us down, kissing the virgin snow.
Put all the veggie bits (except for about a third of the onions) in a large frying pan with a dash of virgin olive oil and a couple of teaspoons of the herbs and fry over a medium heat
In the cold dark days before the dawn of the Kinky, its creator (we shall call him Andrew, as that is his name) was but a virgin in the fertile slopes of web design.
Recycling glass saves one-quarter to one-third the energy used for virgin materials.
Because of the rapid consumption of virgin forests in places as far apart as Canada and Southeast Asia, forest restoration has not been able to keep pace with the demand for wood products.
She wanted to be a virgin bride but that, she claims, was not an option in Margate.
The Brazilian had a salad of rocket, shrimp, celery and virgin olive oil for €10.90.
I peeled back the cover and exposed the glistening nakedness of the virgin steel.
This gray and beige pinstriped suit is crafted from 100% virgin wool.
The disorder of the Hundred Years War had encouraged a widespread prophecy that a virgin would come to save France during this time of uncertain leadership.
I am no longer a virgin : I lost my couture innocence at a fashion show.
It is sheltered effectively by blue gums and golden wattle broken by a palm tree and a peppercorn and it overlooks an olive grove, which yields a steady supply of virgin oil.
Wlsea then moved into real offices on Municipal Pier, hired its first employee and secured six virgin white pines for the ship's masts and spars.
Jeff is such a busy man, I'm impressed he made time to go all the way down to southwestern Nigeria to report on one of its most famous virgin festivals.
They also own a 15-acre olive grove and have just completed their first harvest with which they produced and bottled virgin olive oil.
The situation is quite a bit different from being just a sexual virgin .
She was the virgin poetess dressed in white, the tremulous daughter who never left her father's house, the maiden who turned to art because she was thwarted in love.
And people don't understand why I'm standing here in a virgin white race suit unable to answer whether I'm going to be racing for Jaguar next year?
It must be woven by hand in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, in the home of the weaver, using Scottish virgin wool that has been spun and dyed also in the Hebrides.
Before our food arrived we were treated to an ‘Amuse Bouche’ of cherry tomato with mozzarella and basil with Balsamic vinegar and virgin olive oil.
We both wanted to have high school sweet hearts and be young virgin brides.
This was done by mixing materials, namely high-tech fabrics (not specified) and virgin wool.
This time she was dressed in white: a virgin princess lying caught among the cobwebs of the stars.
So thank you, Tessa, I shall order a virgin cocktail and drink to you.
European businessmen quick to exploit the virgin market, made their passage to India sailing around the Cape.
The desert around Llano has been prepared like a virgin bride for its eventual union with the metropolis.
A myth in South Africa holds that sexual intercourse with a virgin can heal a man from HIV infection.
A good choice is virgin olive oil, because it has not been heated, refined or bleached.
It also means that the hair in the braid remains virgin and when you eventually have the extensions off your own hair is in brilliant condition.
Fewer examples
Synonyms of virgin
untouched unspoiled untainted immaculate pristine flawless spotless unsullied unpolluted undefiled perfect unchanged intact unexplored uncharted unmapped uncolonized
chaste virginal celibate abstinent maiden maidenly pure uncorrupted undefiled unsullied innocent vestal
virginal vestal pure virtuous
chaste woman/man celibate ingénue maiden maid vestal
Translations of virgin
untouched, virgin, unimpaired, unbroken, virginal, intact
clean, accurate, immaculate, clear, ingenious, virgin
intact, virginal, virgin, sound, chaste
natural, instinctive, intrinsic, spontaneous, cavalier, virgin
new, novel, recent, modern, green, virgin
new, modern, vernal, virgin
new, recent, novel, modern, virgin, green
अछूती धरती
virgin soil, virgin
Translations of virgin
untouched, virgin, unimpaired, unbroken, virginal, intact
clean, accurate, immaculate, clear, ingenious, virgin
intact, virginal, virgin, sound, chaste
natural, instinctive, intrinsic, spontaneous, cavalier, virgin
new, novel, recent, modern, green, virgin
new, modern, vernal, virgin
new, recent, novel, modern, virgin, green
अछूती धरती
virgin soil, virgin
Untouched earth
Translations of अछूती धरती
Translations of frequency
frequency, recap, recapitulation, recurrence, reprint, rote
बारंबार होना
virgin soil
अछूती धरती
कुमारिनी, अछूती धरती
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