सोमवार, 11 नवंबर 2019

Matter: 1429 Notice to all following groups and individuals, produce our objections suggestion clams protest regarding matter 1428 and related matters under The World Government of Shripak on http://theworldgovernmentofshripak.blogspot.com

  1. Commanwelth
  2. United nation
  3. G20
  4. G7
  5. The world’s all presses
  6. The world’s all polices
  7. The world’s all psychiatrists
  8. The world’s all election commissions
  9. The world’s all RTI Officers
  10. The world’s all Presidents
  11. The world’s all Prime Ministers
  12. The world’s all parliaments
  13. The world’s all courts
  14. The world’s all Citizens
  15. The world’s all well wiser of citizens

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